Yikes, yes, they can be pretty anal about the common-law proof. I think they may request RCMP clearance from some people if they aren't in their system for whatever reason. Maybe your husband flew a little too under the radarmaledil said:We seem to attract unusual requests. SA took 5 months because they wanted the IMM 5409 even though their own documentation says it wasn't needed. I thought I'd read somewhere he didn't need to submit an RCMP check so we didn't do one up front. I can't imagine what flag they would have seen to request it. He has never been arrested for anything anywhere. Not even traffic tickets. His FBI record showed nothing. We've been together for 5 years with lots of relationship proof and no previous experience with immigration and sponsorship and neither of us have been married or common-law before so really the only flag is not enough proof we lived together
Original proof of cohabitation I sent in was separate formal documents showing we had the same address. Unfortunately we had nothing with our names on it together. I sent in all his school permit and transcripts showing address and sent in work things for me showing the same address for the same time. For the last 6 months we lived together we had a lease and bills in our names but I expect it was the first year they were worried about. I also attached Commissioned letters from friends and family that talked about us living together in Canada.
When I sent in additional proof it was a letter from our landlord stating we had lived together and I had it Commissioned. I also sent some more official documentation showing addresses to show they were the same. It might not be enough but that's all I could find. Hopefully its enough.