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US citizen need guidance move to Canada with boyfriend w/o marriage at this time


Jan 30, 2010
I have tried going thru the sites and am having difficulty making sense of what I am wanting to do. Is it as hopeless as it looks to move to Canada to be with boyfriend? I will live in his home and have my own vehicle. I will go to work as soon as I can get paperwork and find job. With all the paperwork have no idea what needs to be done first. If I find the job, by the time I finish paperwork and get approvals, it wont be available any more. The paperwork I see shows it wants to see I have an employer.
We both are not ready for marriage, but wish to start our life together with that in the future. Any advice for a newbie other than find someone else.. LOL
We are not common law or married or even engaged. I have some college but do not have my degree. I am proficient in computer programs such as Excel, Powerpoint, Word and a heavy background in customer service and accounting. So I would be a good employee, but am sure there are plenty of canadians that could amply handle what I do. I am not a tradesman, so unable to come in under the skilled workers.
I need guidance.



VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
You can not move to Canada officially but you can visit your boyfriend for up to 6 months. During that time, you can look for a job and try to get an employer to apply for your labour market opinion (LMO). If it is approved, then you can go to the border with it and use it to apply for your work permit.