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URGENT: Missed a question on the paperwork - PMM Please


Star Member
May 23, 2008

I have just noticed on a copy of our paperwork that I missed two check boxes on the "Application to sponsor and undertaking".

What is now going to happen with our paperwork? Will they be sending it back without charging anything? And how long will it take before they notice the error and send it back? Weeks, or months?

Ahh this is horrible.

On the form it says "If you are sponsoring a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class, do not complete b) and c), proceed to 7 immediately". I read over these forms atleast five times and every time I read that wrong and thought it meant if you are in canada, then you fill them out, not the other way around.

These questions determine what office the application will be processed at. Is leaving these two boxes blank serious enough to have it sent back to us? Or will they determine the office without these boxes? I would think they could determine that she is applying from the US, and is a US National, therefor it should be processed at Buffalo, without us filling them out. Would they really send it back just to have us check that once box?!

A very worried Canuck


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

canuck_amuck said:

I have just noticed on a copy of our paperwork that I missed two check boxes on the "Application to sponsor and undertaking".

What is now going to happen with our paperwork? Will they be sending it back without charging anything? And how long will it take before they notice the error and send it back? Weeks, or months?

Ahh this is horrible.

On the form it says "If you are sponsoring a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class, do not complete b) and c), proceed to 7 immediately". I read over these forms atleast five times and every time I read that wrong and thought it meant if you are in canada, then you fill them out, not the other way around.

These questions determine what office the application will be processed at. Is leaving these two boxes blank serious enough to have it sent back to us? Or will they determine the office without these boxes? I would think they could determine that she is applying from the US, and is a US National, therefor it should be processed at Buffalo, without us filling them out. Would they really send it back just to have us check that once box?!

A very worried Canuck
1. 2nd question, first by not checking that box, Buffalo if they don't process it themselves will send it to which ever US office that has the processing capacity.
2. 1st Question, assuming that the application will be processed in the US, then it is not an "in Canada" application, so you should have skipped b & c, if you did, then you are fine.
3. Probably will not be returned as incomplete, as if it was a an in-Canada, you would have sent it to Vegreville rather than Mississauga.




Star Member
May 23, 2008
Thanks for the reply,

PMM said:
2. 1st Question, assuming that the application will be processed in the US, then it is not an "in Canada" application, so you should have skipped b & c, if you did, then you are fine.
I think you are getting it backwards (correct me if im wrong). The application states that:
If you are sponsoring a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class, do not complete b) and c), proceed to 7 immediately
So they are saying, if it is in canada, skip, but if it is outside canada (mine is) then it should be filled out. Is that correct?

- Canuck


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

canuck_amuck said:
Thanks for the reply,

PMM said:
2. 1st Question, assuming that the application will be processed in the US, then it is not an "in Canada" application, so you should have skipped b & c, if you did, then you are fine.
I think you are getting it backwards (correct me if im wrong). The application states that:
If you are sponsoring a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class, do not complete b) and c), proceed to 7 immediately
So they are saying, if it is in canada, skip, but if it is outside canada (mine is) then it should be filled out. Is that correct?

- Canuck