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Urgent .. I am in a big trouble ....


Oct 25, 2009
I got to PR in Canada in 2004 and expired 2009 and I stayed in Canada 10 months only; and has hired an immigration consultant to arrange papers to prove my stay in Canada .. When I went to the embassy of Canada in Abu Dhabi they refused to give me a travel document , and I admitted that papers are not correct .. They told me you have got a Tax return while you were outside Canada .. when I told them I didn't ask the immigration consultant for a tax return and never read the 100 pages tax papers he prepared ,the embassy employee told me you signed the papers ..The value of Tax Return i received was CAD 1500 and willing to pay back them further to any fine .. Now my papers turned out to Hearing and I do not know what to do to return to Canada and I am ready to defend my case being a victim of the immigration consultant .. So is there any hope to look at the issues into justice or humanitarian asylum and what my punishment with respect to the Tax return mistake and what is the benefit to hire lawyer to defend me .. Please help me , what to do ...


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Jun 13, 2008
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So you did not stay in Canada enough to meet your residency requirements. Then you hired a consultant to help you forge some documents to defraud immigration.

I fail to see how you are the victim here.

Why should you keep your PR?


Oct 25, 2009
a victim cos he told me you don't need to stay here .. I have 1000 cases and everything will be ok .. and didn't ask for Tax return .. what do you expect in hearing : deportation ???


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Jun 13, 2008
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It doesn't matter what he told you. You still did not meet the residency requirements and you purposely look for somebody to help you forge papers to hide that fact. Do you not see anything wrong with that? I can see no reason why they would let you keep your PR.

If you are not in Canada, like you said, your travel document has been denied, they can not deport you but they can revoke your PR and I think it is likely that they will.


Oct 25, 2009
They sent me papers to attend hearing ... and I have some humanitarian reasons that kept me outside Canada .. my problem is the Tax return .. what is the punishment ?


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Jun 13, 2008
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If you had humane and compassionate grounds for why you couldn't meet the residency requirements, why did you opt to hire a consultant to forge your papers instead of just telling the truth? Forging papers is a big no no with immigration. I think they will take your PR.


Oct 25, 2009
I have my PR card .. do you know all the people I know they did the same and got Citizenship and Passport .. I followed what people did .. I didn't know ...


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Jun 13, 2008
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So if you see a sign by the road that says 50 but the person in front of you is driving at 70, you do it too, right? If the other people are driving at 90, you would also drive at 90? How about 120? And if the cops catch you going 120 in a 50 zone, you would say that you should not get a fine or lose your license because everybody else was doing it too? Do you think that would work?

Some people have cheated to get their citizenship and immigration is catching some of them now, see http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/feds-plan-to-revoke-fraudulent-citizenship-of-1800-t77208.0.html but even if they weren't, it was still your choice to follow the rules and break the rules. You chose to break the rules, that is why you are in trouble. You can not blame anybody else.


Hero Member
Apr 24, 2009
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Let's slow down here. The fact that he has a tax return and even a tax refund does not mean it is fraudulent. Taxes are somewhat parallel to residency obligation for PR purposes. It is possible for a PR not residing in Canada to still file taxes if he has ties to the country. Ties could be as simple as having a Canadian bank account or a Health card.

Even if a mistake has been made on your taxes, you can adjust your taxes by refiling the correct returns. Even people in Canada cheat on their taxes, some get caught when they are audited and some even correct their mistake before they get caught. An example is the case of millionaires who kept offshore accounts and later given the opportunity for full disclosure and a chance to pay back taxes and be forgiven. This not mean they lose their PR. Correct?

Now, I am not condoning cheating the system! I am rather, trying to make sure we know all the facts. I find sometimes that people who think they have done something wrong might actually not have done anything from a legal/technical point of view. All these laws can be complicated especially when they overlap.

Your problem actually is that you are outside Canada. If it is indeed true that you have an H&C case and you can find yourself back into Canada, then you still have a chance of remedying your PR Obligation issue by staying 730 days. Your biggest problem is how to get back into Canada.

As per your taxes, you are always allowed by CRA to change that. See link: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/ncm-tx/chngrtrn-eng.html


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Jun 13, 2008
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Alabaman said:
Let's slow down here. The fact that he has a tax return and even a tax refund does not mean it is fraudulent.
The OP himself admitted that he had only stayed for 10 months but had gotten a consultant to "arrange" papers to prove his stay. The OP's consultant filed some tax returns on his behalf which he gladly signed. He then admits to the visa office in Abu Dhabi that "the papers are not correct". This is a bit more of a pinch than just not meeting the residency requirements. It is more like conspiring to forge documents to prove days of residency he didn't have. I am not sure that immigration will even consider Humane and Compassionate reasons after that. Sure it's worth a try like anything but hey, if you conspire to forge documents, you are no victim in my book.


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Nov 30, 2009
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Leon said:
....if you conspire to forge documents, you are no victim in my book.
IMO Guilty of misrepresentation.

Ameralamir the CIC Web site mentions:
Depending on the situation, the penalties may include:

No entry into Canada for at least two years
A permanent record of fraud in CIC’s database
Having your permanent resident status or Canadian citizenship revoked
Being charged with a crime or,
removal from Canada.


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Jun 8, 2010
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I was just about to post something similar to Baloo - but Baloo beat me to it.

I agree with Leon and Baloo. This is misrepresentation. Even if there are H&C considerations, that no longer matters because of the misrepresentation.


Jul 27, 2011

i agree with amir , there are a lot of people living outside canada and they are taking the passport and retain their PR card.

i think there is a lot of people cheat on CIC and i believe there is a lot of mistake in the immigration system and there is alot of bugs in their internal procedure.

what you will do now Amir,,is it mean you are lose everything?!