Perpose of visit is senaca college offer a global management summer program form 2 August to 16 August
Currently i am working as general manager in export company here i have 12 acer of lend worth 2.5 cror
Leaving with my mom and sister because of my father past away i came back from uk after completing diploma in business management in 2012 since i m working in this company apart from uk i have visited thiland and Kenya. And i wnat to complete my bachelors from canada got admission in york universtiy already
I have written cultural exchange program and in invitation letter same
I have submitted my house documents,land valuation report with 25 million indian rupees 10 laks of fds under my and my mother name 6 laks in my savings account
Bryanna please help me today i got admission letter from York universtiy what i can do
Please its very difficult time don't understand what to do any help from u very appreciative