I received my GCMS notes yesterday and below is the summary -
Eligibility: Not Started
Security: Not Started
Criminality: Passed
Org Crime:
Medical: Passed
Other Reqs:
NOC- Consistent and Met
Educations - Met
Language - Met
R10 - OK
Minimum Funds - Met
Secondary Office: New Delhi (Page 1 of Notes)
Due Date: 2016/06/05 (page 2 of Notes)
File Transfered to CPC-Ottawa on 10th March
Last Outgoing Communication from CIC is AOR on 2nd March. I have uploaded Schedule 4 as LOE while submission.
Last my file was worked on as per my understanding of the notes 2016/05/07
GCMS Notes created on 2016/05/09
Some Extract -
Case Analyst/selection review: EE-M1— PV2 ******A11.2 ASSESSMENT****** Provincial nominee program applicant. Applicant selected by Ontario with PNC# XXXXXXX under Non- Employer Driven. PNP applicant in primarily NOC - 2174 - xxxxx with XXXXX FOSS check: No adverse info ASSESSMENT Education: ECA issuer: WES - Met - Foreign ECA Primarily NOC — 2174 Work Experience Currently working as a xxxxx. PA Submitted a letter(s) of reference dated XXXXX2016. PA has been working with the company on a full time basis from XXX201X — XXX2015 (End Date seems to be around when I had created EE profile). The duties listed in the letter(s) of reference appear to be consistent with the actions in the lead statement under the NOC code selected. As a result, I am satisfied that within the 10 years before the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made, they have accumulated, over a continuous period at least one year of full-time work experience as an Computer programmers and interactive media developers as the primary occupation in the occupational descriptions of the National Occupational Classification - 2174 as per R75 (2) PA does meet the FSW criteria for the selected NOC PA does meet the definition of provincial nominee and selection under PN program. FAMILY MEMBERS PA is married — Register of Marriage on file One dependent child accompanying Copies of valid passports submitted Meds - Passed
Hi Dev,
I received my note son 23rd june, I think your and mine case officer who last updated is same as my status is same and also I have word to word same assessment comments like yours just NOC and specifications chenged. My eligibility is also not started but with in the notes somewhere when they have various status for eligibility once it was review required so I got worried and put various posts also related to it as I read about 16.1 also. That status later changed to not started at two places and then in final assessments -not started.
I was worried as most people say it says met in their comments or assessments but yours is same as mine. Everything is fine but no decision or not says met. What do you think is it normal? Have you checked every page of your notes and find at any page in between once- review required which later changed to not started ? what do you think about it?