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TRV for Wedding Reception Party


Apr 22, 2014
I am getting married in December 2014 to my fiancee who is a 23 year old Bangladeshi citizen. I have visited her once (Dec 2013 - Jan 2014) and am planning to go back once more this year prior to our wedding date. She will have one semester of school and a co-op term left by the time we get married. This will give me time to start the sponsorship process while she finishes her degree.

Most of my family and all my friends are in Canada and won't be able to make the trek to Bangladesh to catch the wedding. As a result, I would like to hold a reception here in Canada in January 2015. She does not have a job and is dependent on her parents. We can most likely get a copy of her transcript and a letter from her school stating what he has completed, and what she has left as evidence of "Ties" to her country. I can send an invitation letter agreeing to bear all costs including her return ticket, and she can provide financial solvency statements for her parents.

After reading through many threads on this forum which advise against admitting to or even applying for a TRV for a fiancee, I can't help but wonder if Canada can truly snatch the privilege of having a wedding reception for friends and family away from one of its citizens. I will definitely admit that she will eventually plan to live here, but that would be once here studies are done and the sponsorship is well on its way.

Is there anyone here who has been successful at something similar to what I'm trying (be honest, get a visa, have a reception, she goes back, and re-enters yet again through the proper and legal channels)?

I am not being impatient, but it just feels like there has to be a way to do this honestly and successfully and not only have a wedding with mostly distant relatives and strangers or a long overdue and outdated party for friends in several years when the marriage is already old news.


VIP Member
Feb 2, 2006
Beautiful British Columbia
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She will have one semester of school and a co-op term left by the time we get married
Most of my family and all my friends are in Canada and won't be able to make the trek to Bangladesh
Those are good reasons to ask TRV for her. You (and your parents) should write a good cover letter to VO explaining the situation and it may work out.


VIP Member
Nov 11, 2008
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adnan_hossain said:
she can provide financial solvency statements for her parents
Unless one or both parents are also going to visit Canada, this is useless if she is traveling alone.


Apr 22, 2014
"Right. Are her parrents going to the wedding? It is VERY important."

There is a very good chance that they may. If one of them tagging along for the reception trip has the potential to help the cause for the TRV, then I will definitely recommend that. If it may hinder the case, I will advise the against it. Since the major wedding ceremonies and associated events will all take place in Bangladesh late Dec and early Jan, the parents coming over for this reception comes down to if that may help or hinder with my fiancee's TRV application.


VIP Member
Feb 2, 2006
Beautiful British Columbia
Job Offer........
Well, if you have wedding in Bangladesh then you could sponsor her and have a reception in Canada when she comes.
Your parents should go to your Bangladesh wedding definetely.

So if you have a wedding in CANADA then her parent have to come too.

However, you still could try to ask for TRV for her to make a reception in Canada in January for your friends and family in Canada. Her parent (or parents) could come but not necessary as long as your and her parents have been at your wedding in Bangladesh.


Apr 22, 2014
Thanks for your perspectives evryone.

I guess my biggest fear, based on hear say information, is that if this TRV appliaction (pre-wedding) gets rejected, my chances of a successful TRV application once the sponsorship process is established may be hindered since they would have rejected her once already.

Is there any merit to that fear?

I would love to book the banquet hall and make the necesary arrangements for my reception in Canada in January - but if I have to not even try to get her a TRV for fear of rejection and subsequent repercussions - that would be awful.


Yes the more times you are rejected for TRV, the harder it gets for subsequent applications. From the VO's point of view, I would strongly recommend you have your family from Canada come to Bangladesh for the wedding rather than have the reception in Canada. I've seen many cases where the VO does not like the "excuse" where the couple will not have a reception until after the applicant gets PR and arrives in Canada. Bearing the cost and time for the reception before PR adds to the genuineness of your marriage.

Also, you say your family cannot come to Bangladesh, what are the reasons? They cannot come even in December, which is a month where many people get at least a week off from work, and where many people book time off. Why can't even a single person come to the wedding? Is it work related? All 3 of them can't come because of work? They can't even ask for a week or two off for their brother/son's most important day of his life? These are things VO's look for, because one thing they absolutely do not like is when either side of a couple's family do not attend the wedding, unless you have a VERY good explanation. Work related reasons may or may not be valid, depending on type of occupation and whether or not they are capable of asking for time off.

Keep in mind, if you hold reception in Canada, your wife's family from Bangladesh will not be able to attend that reception (they'll be refused visitor visas on family ties alone) but if you bring your family from Canada to Bangladesh, now both sides of the family will be in attendance of the wedding, which is a much stronger case for you.

In my case, my wife and I initially wanted to marry in October last year, but after talking with my Canadian family, they told me to change it to December instead, because it's a month where everyone in my family can book time off to attend the wedding. And sure enough, my entire family (2 bros, 1 sis, stepdad, mom, grandma, stepdad's sister, 2 family friends), they all spent their own money, booked their own time off, and came all the way to our wedding in Vietnam. Now THAT's a strong proof of genuine marriage right there, and you should try to aim for the same, because guess what? Both you and I have Singapore VO, one of the most brutal and most difficult VOs in the world, it is super important to build a strong PR application.

They don't even need to stay so long, just a week is enough, it's totally up to you, but I highly recommend you get your family to come to Bangladesh instead. There's a member here named "ArlJam", search his name in this forum. He has a similar case to you, where his wife was "very shy" and didn't want the wedding in her country, but wants to wait till PR before having a reception. His GCMS notes show the officer thought it was an "excuse" that they didnt want recpetion until after PR, and as a result, he got an interview. They passed it thankfully, but they had to wait an extra several months before getting PR.


Apr 22, 2014
Thanks for your response Mikeymyke.

"Yes the more times you are rejected for TRV, the harder it gets for subsequent applications. From the VO's point of view, I would strongly recommend you have your family from Canada come to Bangladesh for the wedding rather than have the reception in Canada. I've seen many cases where the VO does not like the "excuse" where the couple will not have a reception until after the applicant gets PR and arrives in Canada. Bearing the cost and time for the reception before PR adds to the genuineness of your marriage.

Also, you say your family cannot come to Bangladesh, what are the reasons? They cannot come even in December, which is a month where many people get at least a week off from work, and where many people book time off. Why can't even a single person come to the wedding? Is it work related? All 3 of them can't come because of work? They can't even ask for a week or two off for their brother/son's most important day of his life? These are things VO's look for, because one thing they absolutely do not like is when either side of a couple's family do not attend the wedding, unless you have a VERY good explanation. Work related reasons may or may not be valid, depending on type of occupation and whether or not they are capable of asking for time off."

- In Bangladesh, I will be having a wedding ceremony on December 26th, followed by two traditional wedding parties in Early January (8th and 10th). Close family such as my brother's family, maybe one or both of my sister's if they can manage the vacation time, and of course my Parents will definitely be attending, or at least doing their best. Having grown up in Canada since infancy, ALL my friends and tons of extended relatives live in Ottawa (where I live) and or in surrounding North America; More so than back in Bangladesh. The reception would be for my Canadian friends and family to participate in my wedding celebrations because most can't afford all that time off work + airfare and accommodations. In other words, no "excuses" - I'm getting married and having a reception and all that jazz; my celebration plans include my close friends and family too. I would include some these details, even booking/deposit/invoices of everything that is happening to show the legitimacy of the marriage - if they would look through my invitation letter in full detail and if I am actually allowed.

"Keep in mind, if you hold reception in Canada, your wife's family from Bangladesh will not be able to attend that reception (they'll be refused visitor visas on family ties alone) but if you bring your family from Canada to Bangladesh, now both sides of the family will be in attendance of the wedding, which is a much stronger case for you."

- Her family and friends get 3 major celebrations there; my friends and extended family will be the focus of my Canadian reception. If her family members want to apply, great - but if not, its not a major loss.

"In my case, my wife and I initially wanted to marry in October last year, but after talking with my Canadian family, they told me to change it to December instead, because it's a month where everyone in my family can book time off to attend the wedding. And sure enough, my entire family (2 bros, 1 sis, stepdad, mom, grandma, stepdad's sister, 2 family friends), they all spent their own money, booked their own time off, and came all the way to our wedding in Vietnam. Now THAT's a strong proof of genuine marriage right there, and you should try to aim for the same, because guess what? Both you and I have Singapore VO, one of the most brutal and most difficult VOs in the world, it is super important to build a strong PR application."

- Thats exactly what I plan to do. I can't book venues and vendors to throw a Canadian wedding reception, if the bride can't make it. And thats why I want to get the TRV for her. Letters from her school and transcripts will show that she's a mere 4 months away from completing a 4 year program; The plan is for her to live here eventually - but not for her to become a squatter in Canada and abandon her chance to have a degree. I would like to make that clear in my letter of invitation as well (un less these in the invitation can hurt the cause)

"They don't even need to stay so long, just a week is enough, it's totally up to you, but I highly recommend you get your family to come to Bangladesh instead. There's a member here named "ArlJam", search his name in this forum. He has a similar case to you, where his wife was "very shy" and didn't want the wedding in her country, but wants to wait till PR before having a reception. His GCMS notes show the officer thought it was an "excuse" that they didnt want recpetion until after PR, and as a result, he got an interview. They passed it thankfully, but they had to wait an extra several months before getting PR."

- Fortunately, I am having the wedding and am not using her coming here as an "impediment" to our marriage, love, or commitment; I just want to try a legitimate case honestly; and if it fails, and I apply for a TRV once the sponsorship process is on the go, I would hope that it would be treated differently since the circumstances would be different, rather than get rejected cause she was once rejected (under different circumstances). I also think that getting accepted, coming for the reception, and going back would show a sign of good faith for any future TRV attempts while the sponsorship is in process to the VO. I honestly don't have the experience to know if fact and logic stands a chance in an environment designed with the "Guilty until proven innocent mentality".

Thanks again for taking the time :)


Hey I read everything, it seems to look good for you. I think your wife will stand a good chance being approved because of the school thing. Because she will not have much money, you the host, need to show you have sufficient funds to support her stay.


Apr 22, 2014
Thanks everyone! I sincerely appreciate your perspectives and continue to welcome it. I'll try to keep updating the thread if/when I go through the process.


Apr 22, 2014
Can anyone comment on the best time to apply for a TRV if planned travel is in January 2015?

I would like to apply sooner rather than later since I would make local arrangements for a Canadian reception based on the result of this visa application.