I am relatively young, 28, but over the years I have developed a fairly good credit history, in the excellent category. I would hate to completely lose that and have to start over. I have been looking in to the topic online and I am getting mixed answers. Some say, nope, sorry they don't share/transfer that information between the US and Canada. Then others are saying they do!? I have an AMEX, Mastercard, and Visa. American Express says on its website that you can transfer your credit history to Canada, and I believe Capital One offers the same thing. I don't know about Visa, but I would think so.
So what is the right answer? A lot of people say no, you have to start all over. Then others say you can, and my credit card companies advertise on their website that they transfer your credit and credit history. Also, if they do all offer this transfer, should I do it with all of them? Should I transfer all my US cards to Canada? Or should I keep one in the US? I don't want to transfer them all to Canada if it then completely ruins my US credit worthiness, just in case my family were to ever move back to the states.
So what is the right answer? A lot of people say no, you have to start all over. Then others say you can, and my credit card companies advertise on their website that they transfer your credit and credit history. Also, if they do all offer this transfer, should I do it with all of them? Should I transfer all my US cards to Canada? Or should I keep one in the US? I don't want to transfer them all to Canada if it then completely ruins my US credit worthiness, just in case my family were to ever move back to the states.