I hope it takes more then 6 weeks to get AOR. If you have Credit card then it will be easy to get identified whether payment is done from your bank statement(online). Though, you have any doubts then do email them about your file receipt. They may response if they had send you some emails before.
Regarding change in email address, if it is working fine now, then better not to inform them about change of email else it may go in loop of filling up new forms'change in address'... thats my feeling... which may push your application on further delay.
This moment, credit card is getting charged for 3rd week of August. may yours get charged by next week
@jaggu Thank you for the info with regards to payment ive use Money draft so i can't check wth credit card but i did read from others that they can check wth the bank wheter cio has encashed it or not and im planning to do it by today(to check wth my bank). i really need to recieved AOR coz we are about to leave singapore and go back To my country for good atleast if i have the AOR before leaving i can contact them wth regards to d changes in my address hoping i could get it before mid of november

) thanks jaggu goodluck to all of us and God bless!