no need to be rude with others; if they advise her different than u, it does not mean they r not right; maybe they r, let her decide!! as i said before, all these opinions r different from culture to culture, country to country, region to region; whenever we give advice we need to consider the region from where that person is applying, if in that region is normal to talk abt feelings and the relationship started based only on feelings than for sure she needs to talk abt it; but if the marriage was arranged by the family then u present the facts differently; i'm sure lawyers in one corner of the world would advise differently than ones in another corner....
claudia, about ur question: u need to check ur region specific guides; if they say send originals then include a few originals and the rest photocopies; if they don't mention anything, then photocopies is fine, u want to keep the originals (they could get lost + the sentimental value
