Good day, first, you must call to the Nationwide if your medical examination is already sent to embassy and ask for the exact date when they sent the result. From the date they sent the result, 1~2 months you will received the letter. And sometimes it takes only 1 1/2 months for you to received the letter of passport request
If you will call to the Nationwide Health number they will give you another number where you can follow-up, so here is the direct number where you can call for you to know if when they sent your result (02) 888-5086. They will ask for your full name and the date you conducted your medical examination.
Here is my track:
Feb. 4 2009 = Conduct Medical Examination
Feb. 16, 2009 = Sent the result of M.E. by Nationwide Health
March 30, 2009 = Received letter from embassy asking for my pasport
(Note: Original date on the letter was March 23, 2009, there is always
a delay on our post office)
Good luck to you both.... God bless.... Just ask if you have some questions ;>