8th of february 2017, my mom's first visit at st. luke's medical clinic in manila. panel physician saw something abnormal on her xray test. 14th, 15th & 16th, she was asked to do a sputum test. 20th was for incubation test. she completed everything the panel physician told her to do and the test was all negative but then she was asked to redo her xray on May 9 to finalize her medical examination. after leaving the clinic, panel physician told her to wait for immigration's reply. on June 8th, she received a letter from
manilmc@international.gc.ca stating ''YOUR IMMIGRATION MEDICAL RESULT HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THE ASSESMENT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS REQUIRED''. i received a letter on my gckey account too. yesterday, 26th of June, my mom went to st. luke's medical clinic again presenting the letter and the physician told her to come back on 10th of August. it is so frustrating and annoying

that she needed to come back again. going back and forth is really a waste of time...i almost giving up. what else they want? we wanted to make sure we did everything the immigration want from us for they gave a deadline on every request. aargh!!

i am so stressed, frustrated and annoyed with the system.