Gat said:
Yeah Jaggu,
Thats True Samething i wanted to say that you cannot send by courier but it can be submitted by third party with the Authorised Letter.
Has anyone actually contacted the Indian consulate abroad to get the offical line on this issue.
This is also a grey area..... people are wrongly assuming that it can be sent out through a third party.
The authorised person can be in possession of your passport but it still does not entitle you to send the passport outside the country through the third (authorised) person. It is same as sending it through post/courier.If the Indian customs or passport authority find it on the third person ..... the procedure will be the same as if found through post/courier. It can be in the possession of the third person in your country of residence.
But this is the most commonly used method to send it out and get it back. One person did the same and was not caught got the PR. But when it came to renewal of passport the Indian passport authority found out and issued him for an explanation and subsequent fine and warning.