look at that how many files in CIC
Canada - Permanent residents by category
2013 2014
Category Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Q1 YTD
Spouses and partners 9,734 12,806 10,996 10,401 43,937 10,527 10,527
Sons and daughters 642 769 778 580 2,769 723 723
Parents and grandparents 9,289 11,414 6,245 5,370 32,318 4,751 4,751
Others 188 173 151 148 660 100 100
Family class 19,853 25,162 18,170 16,499 79,684 16,101 16,101
Entrepreneurs - p.a.* 18 20 42 34 114 37 37
Entrepreneurs - s.d.** 61 58 118 75 312 100 100
Self-employed - p.a.* 15 20 24 35 94 41 41
Self-employed - s.d.** 31 36 40 63 170 52 52
Investors - p.a.* 499 632 901 329 2,361 578 578
Investors - s.d.** 1,269 1,488 2,425 859 6,041 1,443 1,443
Skilled workers - p.a.* 8,710 10,261 8,062 7,134 34,167 7,562 7,562
Skilled workers - s.d.** 12,371 14,897 12,756 8,953 48,977 9,195 9,195
Canadian Experience Class - p.a.* 641 990 1,196 1,535 4,362 3,551 3,551
Canadian Experience Class - s.d.** 454 581 849 970 2,854 2,041 2,041
Skilled Trades - p.a.* and s.d.** 0 8 3 6 17 33 33
Provincial/territorial nominees - p.a.* 2,755 5,184 4,939 5,926 18,804 6,165 6,165
Provincial/territorial nominees - s.d.** 3,420 5,568 5,721 6,402 21,111 6,911 6,911
Live-in caregivers - p.a.* 1,127 1,298 1,183 1,244 4,852 2,605 2,605
Live-in caregivers - s.d.** 1,105 1,263 980 597 3,945 594 594
Economic immigrants 32,476 42,304 39,239 34,162 148,181 40,908 40,908
Government-assisted refugees 708 1,658 1,451 1,973 5,790 1,088 1,088
Privately sponsored refugees 1,114 1,466 1,893 1,923 6,396 914 914
Refugees landed in Canada 1,474 2,016 1,843 2,816 8,149 2,986 2,986
Refugee dependants 929 987 980 818 3,714 767 767
Refugees 4,225 6,127 6,167 7,530 24,049 5,755 5,755
Retirees, DROC and PDRCC*** 2 2 6 0 10 0 0
Temporary resident permit holders 5 11 12 16 44 9 9
H and C**** cases 804 805 635 631 2,875 566 566
Other H and C cases outside the family class / Public Policy 889 1,221 1,098 902 4,110 821 821
Other immigrants 1,698 2,037 1,745 1,549 7,029 1,396 1,396
Category not stated 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 58,254 75,632 65,327 59,740 258,953 64,160 64,160
*p.a. = principal applicants *** Deferred removal orders and post-determination refugee claimants in Canada
**s.d. = spouses and dependants ****Humanitarian and Compassionate
Source: CIC, Research DataMart, 1st Quarter 2014