Hmmm it should still be fine at this point - it took 5 weeks in my case from PPR to DM.

. You may have updates within these coming 2 weeks. Keep your spirits up!
As for the VO, IMHO, I don't think you have to worry much. In my case the three letters after the () in the subject line of my 'AOR' from CEM do not show up in my GCMS notes. If it was a VO or a designated VO identifier, I would expect it will show up. But all I see in the processing flow in my GCMS notes are designations of this format:
AB12345 (two letters + five numbers)
Application Assignment:
Assigned to:
Assigned by:
And MC02925 has been appearing most in my GCMS notes, either as
Updated by:, Sent by:, and Created by: in each stage of the application processing. I would surmise this is a designation/identifier of the VO handling my application.