Wow, that is super infuriating and certainly much longer than average. I would have suggested getting the MP involved, but you have done that. The new medical request is reassuring, at least. It usually takes 2-3ish weeks for your medicals to reach CIC.
If it were me, this is what I'd do at this point. No guarantees it'll work, and this isn't 'official' advice, just my suggestion:
1) Drop CIC an email saying you have done medicals in line with their request.
2) Order your notes just to make sure there's nothing else funky going on with your file.
3) In a month, if you haven't heard further, drop CIC an email and ask for confirmation your medicals have arrived.
4) A week or so after that, if you haven't heard further, have your MP chase up again on your behalf.
That should give you a decent course of action and hopefully the end is in sight!
I've added you to the spreadsheet... what's your closest major city? I've just written UK for now.
Best of luck!
Spreadsheet updated!
The "not valid for travel" means that the document is not valid
as your travel document - your PASSPORT is still your primary travel document, and you have to have your passport to actually travel. The COPR only facilitates your landing, it does not permit you to travel without or in place of your passport.

Hope that makes sense!