Thanks for the replies, its really appreciated
So... as far as I'm aware (through my own research and advice from the Canadian immigration lawyer I've been using), you are not allowed to apply for PR if you are criminally inadmissible in the majority of cases. However, it is my understanding that in certain extenuating circumstances they have the ability to waive this requirement (my lawyer has dealt with an almost identical case from London where this happened 6 months ago), hence me also submitting a humanitarian and compassionate supplementary application to try and overcome the issue of inadmissibility. I know its a long shot, but I'm not able to apply for an official pardon until April 2018, which is too long. The other possible route that I'm aware of is the issuance of back to back TRP's (with work permit attached) until I am able to apply for a pardon and then put my PR through.
RE my current living arrangements, my Canada address is still my full time permanent home, that I share with my partner (all the bills are still in both our names, it where my bank is registered, truck etc) and I am currently just 'holidaying' at my father's house. I have been living with my partner for 4 years and have provided vast quantities of documentation and photographic evidence to support this. My address in BC is still my valid full time residential home, even if I'm not allowed to be there right now. I chose to apply with my partner Steve as my spousal sponsor, however, I do fit the requirements of many of the PR schemes (Canadian experience class, skilled worker, PNP) and have included all the documentation to show this within my spousal application. I've given them absolutely everything! I should be a good candidate except for this stupid DUI conviction! ...which I only got because it was the arresting officers first ever arrest so I got BOTH roadside AND federal charges AND got deported, all because of 2 bloody gin and tonics! I'm not bitter or anything lol!
I have supplied an awful lot of additional supporting documents to hopefully further my case: over 100 letters of reference from the local community, including charities, church groups, lawyers, doctors, many business owners, societies, bankers and the mayor. I am a respected local youth mentor, sit on the board of directors of the film society and have been integral in implementing plans to buy and preserve the historic cinema on behalf of the community. I raise money fro Relay for Life and am closely involved with many more community activities, al of which I've supplied supportive evidence of. I have skilled open job offers (fisheries biologist and theatre manager).
I have also totally complied with my sentence under BC law. I have letters of recommendation from the administrator of the responsible drivers course I participated in, and have supplied evidence that I had part of my sentence (ignition interlock device) revoked due to good behaviour and full compliance with the other components of my sentence ($1000 fine, 1 year ban and course). I also have the support of the CBSA officer in charge of my deportation. - which incidentally involved being escorted onto a plane by 2 uniformed armed guards just to add an extra dose of humiliation to the scenario! lol!
In addition, I also try and get some hope from the fact stated on the CIC website, that as of April 2012, people that have not yet received a pardon for a single misdemeanour offence (DUI and shoplifting are the examples given), have the ability to enter the country in certain circumstances (which aren't specified unfortunately).
I have to do everything I can to remain optimistic! I don't have a back up plan for my life, I need to get back home ASAP!
I just have to keep hoping and praying that my case falls onto the desk of someone that is willing to view it in its entirety, good and bad, and not just focus on one single error of judgement I made.
A big thank you for running this site

it feels good to get that out there!