Could you add my info to the spreadsheet please
My case has not been straight forward to date and I will provide the key points to give a bit of background.
Previously residing in BC since 2008 with visitor and work permits; deported May 2014 because of Canadian DUI conviction in April 2012 (no other criminal history); currently in Wales at my fathers house while common-law partner, children, dog, house, jobs and entire life remain in BC. All requests by CIC were followed, and I was responsible for my own travel back to the UK. I have been 100% compliant with the entire horrendous procedure.
TRP and ARC submitted in May 2014 on return to the UK, alongside humanitarian and compassionate submission requesting to be able to return to be with family in Canada while PR was being processed. British passport and fees included with application.
No response to case specific enquiries about PR over summer after 11 month process time had been exceeded. A follow up case specific enquiry submitted beginning of September 2014 for which I got a reply on Oct 7 stating that there was no record of TRP and ARC applications (and UK passport); 2 days later I received my passport and TRP and ARC fees returned in the prepaid envelope I'd originally supplied, along with an email saying that my TRP application had been passed to appropriate department. The following day my PR ECAS went 'In Process'. I have had no response to my enquiries about the return of my TRP and ARC fees which I presume render my applications incomplete.
These are the relevant dates for spreadsheet I think:
PR application received 22 Aug 2013
sponsor approval 11 Sept 2013
RPRF and (2nd updated) medical requested 10 July 2014
RPRF receipt and medical results received 26 July 2014
Case in process 10 Oct 2014
RCMP fingerprints, new UK police certificate, and updated schedule A requested 15 Oct 2014
Received 24 Oct 2014
Everyday I hope there will be some good news, so I can go home to my family.

Is there any advice that can be offered, perhaps you've come across similar scenarios before? Do I have any hope in resolving this before I'm eligible for a pardon in April 2018?
Also, in the 2013 spreadsheet, there are a number of cases that have gone into process, then had documents requested and then nothing further added and they remain with no decision made for months (zqdot, saeedar etc), while others have a decision made within 4 weeks of the additional document request? Are you aware of any reason for this or any pattern? I'm trying to guess how long it will take them to update my file with the additional info I've sent recently and hopefully, finally come to a decision? The uncertainty that hangs over my family is agonising, it now has been 6 months since we last saw each other. Any advice or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks