Welcome to our exclusive club! Woohoo!

As an official member, your complimentary welcome package includes:
1. Members are treated to silence from CIC,
2. Stress!
3. Exclusive stalking rights of your neighbourhood postman,
4. Receiving a COPR in approximately less than one month!
Don't be worrying now, you're on the home stretch. Although it is a tough wait, on the bright side - you know you've definitely been approved. They won't extend your medicals unless you've been approved! It will take them approximately two weeks to complete this stage. The medicals will be extended for one year or to the expiry date of your passport - whichever comes first. You can flagpole or fly into Canada any time once you get the COPR.
I got an email about CIC applying for a medical extension for me. They said I'd hear back in two weeks. My file went to DM on e-cas around four days later. I didn't get any more information until I got my COPR in the post, about three weeks later. I received my COPR at the end of January, however due to financial pressures and a few other things, I'm only flying to Canada now, well, in one week!
Not long to go!