Hi again pinklady

Everything is up in the air at the moment, we don't know if he'll be coming in Dec. with me and the kids, or if he'll have to wrap things up for a bit longer with the company. If we're going together in Dec. we were thinking to ship everything, including the cats. The furniture and belongings wouldn't arrive in Canada for over a month, so I'm not sure it would be an issue at the airport when we arrive in Dec. Would it? I certainly hope that when the container arrives later they wouldn't go through the belongings to see if my husband's stuff is there or not! The cats would be with us on the flights, and that would take some explaining. Anyhow, if it solves problems, we can always book hubby tickets to Finland so he can spend time with his parents as well.
I miscarried last Friday, so no more baby in the picture.
We will likely mail the papers to Mississauga on Monday, or Tuesday at the latest.