Hi all
I landed as a PR on Saturday and just wanted to share a quick summary of my experience as I know I was interested in other peoples before I landed:
I landed at Toronto Pearson on Sat 30. At the customs desk I stated I was landing as a permanent resident and handed over my passport, COPR and landing card (I was told by the officer to check the 'Unaccomapnied goods' box on the card as I have goods to follow). I was directed through to Immigration.
After 45 minutes in the 'line up' (not queue

) I was called forth. I Just asked the officer to change the address on the COPR as it was wrong. My COPR was completed and passport was stamped (with the PR number written underneath). I was processed by an officer in about 5 mins.
I was given info on SIN and health card at a desk and some immigration leaflets and magazines. You can apply for your SIN straight away at the airport in immigration but at this point I was desparate to see my finance.
I picked up my luggage and was directed to the 'goods to declare' area. I handed over my B4 and B4a forms which I filled out in the UK. The officer entered it all into the computer and stamped a document confirming no duty to pay. Then had a teary reunion with after 5 months apart.
I have since got my SIN number from service Canada and started work today. I couldn't get my OHIP health card as I did not have proof of address. I should get this today when I open a bank account and get them to send me something.
Going well so far. It's not too cold and even sunny today. It couldn't have been a happier start to my new life Canada.
Congrats and welcome to Canada.My husband is landing on Dec 24 and I will be grateful if you could give more details regarding how to apply for the Sin Number at Pearson Airport and how much money he has to bring in and what are the questions they ask at the immigration and also regarding goods if you know any cheap cargo.thanks a lot for the information