Isometry said:
No, I didn't think to mention it and she didn't ask.
I've emailed the US border people in the area I'm going to cross, as per their instructions, with the VIN and make and model of the car. I got an automated response back saying to bring the title, lien if applicable (it's not) and a print out of that email. I sent that email yesterday, and will be crossing around the 17th, so that should be enough time, even if I get another response asking for more. I've got the letter of no recall printed out.
I don't have arrangements for insurance yet, but I think I have to make the appropriate modifications to my car before I can register it? Daytime running lights, switching out the speedometer to one in kilometers, and a block heater.
Great! If you e-mail the RIV a copy of the letter of no recall (, they'll have it processed in time by when you cross - it's valid for IIRC 60 days since you e-mail it. Then, you'll get Form 1 at the Canadian border and can call up the RIV to pay your RIV fee just after you cross the border. If you add an e-mail to Form 1, they'll e-mail you Form 2 within a couple days; otherwise they will mail it to you.
BTW, since sent an e-mail to CBP, if you're crossing at Queenston-Lewiston Bridge (NY/Ontario), you'll just need to take the e-mail you got back from them acknowledging the e-mail with you when you cross the border
You could make an appointment at Canadian Tire for your inspection (if you are heading to Ontario, in addition to the import inspection which takes about an hour, you'll need safety and emissions inspections which will take about 1.5 hours to get all done so it can take a few days to get the appointments in). You will need daytime running lights to pass the import inspection at Canadian Tire (some people have reported getting them cheaper installed in the US so you may want to check with you dealership if they do it if you still have time). If your speedometer has km (even if it's the small #s) you don't need to swap it out for inspection purposes; the block heater is not necessary for the inspection or registration so you can take your time getting it installed.
To register the car, if it's Ontario, you'll need the certificates from the 3 inspection (import - Form 2 stamped by Canadian Tire, safety, emissions), your title stamped by the US with the export stamp, proof of insurance, a Canadian drivers license, and registration and plate fees (NB - you don't need to pay taxes since you imported the car on your B4, sometimes you need to gently remind them of this). The official list is If it's another province check the MTO website for that province.
How exciting - good luck! You're almost done