Not directly related to immigration, but I needed to share with someone. I have been randomly sending out my CV every so often in the hopes of snagging a job interview so that I'll have something in place when I get my residency. I had given up hope hearing back from any of them. Then today I got a call on my cell, and it was in response to a CV I'd sent out 2 mths ago! I have a phone interview set up for Monday, and the best part is that the woman on the phone told me that I could do the interview in English (even though I speak enough French to probably do it in French now), because the person I will be speaking with is Anglophone. 
I wonder if maybe there was a backlog in the karma department somewhere (not just at Buffalo), but I finally feel like everything is coming up Millhouse this month.
Sorry to post this here, and I hope you don't mind me sharing!
I wonder if maybe there was a backlog in the karma department somewhere (not just at Buffalo), but I finally feel like everything is coming up Millhouse this month.
Sorry to post this here, and I hope you don't mind me sharing!