Okay, I think that the living in Canada thing is really a factor in our applications that is making Buffalo decelerate the speed of the process for people like you, me, Calgary-Bound and some others on here (I recall AmericanInQuebec also was living in Canada at some point in the process) vis-a-vis those of us who remain in the U.S.A.
I'm thinking of putting a column in the spreadsheet to note whether someone is residing in Canada at the time they file their application, and perhaps the details of their being here (work permit, study permit, visitor visa, what date they first entered the country).
What do you guys think of this? If you feel this would help clarify some things for us and future applicants and it's worthwhile to include, or if you think it's not necessary or inappropriate to include, let me know.
I am in Toronto. But I think it's also about application's citizenship