I'm afraid you might be. As for myself, I've been told three different stories in regards to how long I can stay as a visitor before I got married. One story was 6 months minus a day, implying that the clock resets when you reenter. Meanwhile, I was also told not to stay longer than three days per week, with the implication that four days a week means you're staying in Canada longer than you're outside of it. Finally, I was told once that yes, it's six months minus a day, but for a whole twelve months. Now, do they mean for a calendar year? Does the year 'start' when you first enter? Damned if I know, let alone keep track. So, I stay for 2-3 days, leave for at least four, and endure my wife begging for me to stay longer just for me to say, 'Sorry. I can't.' because I'm just not willing to take that risk. It is incumbent upon me, the visitor, to follow the rules, and not my wife. This is basically why this reality I face doesn't compute in her head. Then, I'd have to hear he go on about how she used to go to the States all the time for Taco Bell, (because the Taco Bell in Canada just sucks!) and I just reply to her, "You're just very lucky, and you don't even realize it, because if you make coming over that much of a habit, they
will stop you!"
So be very careful.
And yes, the Taco Bell in Canada really does suck. Badly!