Nope - have been looking for one but have had no success. If you find someone smart and capable, please share their name.
Out of curiosity (if it's not too personal) - what type of general problem have you run into by filing married filing separately? This is how my husband filed (he's the American) and everything seems to be OK (fingers crossed). We even walked into an IRS office when we were visiting the US earlier this year and spent about two hours trying to sort out how we should file with their "help". In the end they were of very little assistance and essentially recommended that my husband file married filing separately and that I submit nothing. No joke the woman must have said the following 20 times during the visit (directed at me): "So you're Canadian. And you're married to an American. And you're living in Canada. And you have no status in the US." It was like she was repeating something she thought was impossible.
We filed his Canadian tax return on time (partial year since he only landed in October 2010) and still aren't sure we got it right. Very confusing understanding how to report his interest, capital gains, employment income and rental income from the US (on the Canadian tax return) for a year when he wasn't living in Canada fully.
Also (you probably know this already), it doesn't matter where you're living. As an American, you'll have to continue filing US taxes forever no matter where you're living (unless you're making next to no income). My husband has lived outside of the US for 20 of the last 25 years and has filed taxes every year.
I decided about six months ago that dealing with taxes are the one thing I hate about being married to my husband.

Freakin' nightmare.