Just an update for everyone who was concerned:
So it's almost one year since we intially sent our application into Mississauga, since we did medicals and everything.
I emailed Buffalo and got their standard response the next day but instead of saying " your application is in process" it said " your application if currently under review with an officer" ok..... since June 27?! ( that's when they received the additional info regarding our common law relationship) This is actually the second time they request additional info. The strange thing about this one is that on our CAIPS notes it says " our common law relationship appears bona-fide"
Anyways long story short, hopefully it'll be anyday now, it's just frustrating for people like me who have been waiting a year to see buffalo process people within 3 months

I also caved in and emailed my MP but all I got was a standard response and that "my matter will be looked into and someone will get back to me" Right, I don't really care if someone gets back to me or not, hopefully I'll hear back from Buffalo before then, this week maybe?