They gave me a month when they sent me my PPR.QCSunshine said:Do you guys know how long is generally given to send in one's passport? That part of my email had a blank, a space, and no date. I didn't notice when I first read it and only realized it when I started trying to find the dates on the links included in the email and not finding a date anywhere. The I noticed the place in the email where the date should have been. I am out of the country at the moment, and I need my passport to get back in to Canada, so I am curious about how long I have to get it to them...
I completely understand...I actually had to get the anti depressants doubled lately because of it....this week has been even worse due to the fact that my son's father passed away, then I have people telling me that I should be home not working, I was ready to hand my stack of bills including the nearly 200 a week grocery bill to the next person who told me that. My son is doing OK, he stayed with my parents for a couple of days while I worked, so he wasn't alone.amaranth said:This is getting REALLY frustrating. Last night I had my first real breakdown over this whole process. All this waiting & worrying is exhausting. :'(
Reading this was as if I was reading something I, myself, had typed. This is me, almost to the "t". I'm about to hit 5 years, due to innumerable setbacks -- whether it be finances, my persistent health problems, or immigration (usually combinations of all 3). I can relate all too well to this. The best I can say is: hey, you've made it this far. And you're not alone. There are so many others going through this (and much worse). Admittedly getting yourself to realize this more often is easier said than done, especially after years of accumulated stress from various sources... But y'know.amaranth said:I'm just frustrated, lonely, and feeling pretty useless. My life has been on hold for over 4 years now due to many setbacks, and just when we think things on the immigration front are moving everything grinds to a halt again. I just want to start my life again.
Don't be sorry.amaranth said:Now I just feel stupid. I don't know how my husband puts up with me. He's a champ!
Sorry everyone.
Don't feel bad for venting...many of us are in the same situation and like you said, there are many in much worse as well. I think the forums are a good little support group for each other as it's a difficult process. I'm right there with you and the frustrationamaranth said:I feel really bad for whining about it, because I know there are people in much harder situations than mine... I'm just frustrated, lonely, and feeling pretty useless. My life has been on hold for over 4 years now due to many setbacks, and just when we think things on the immigration front are moving everything grinds to a halt again. I just want to start my life again.
Indeedsparkle said:I pray for all of us here, and hope the Buffalo office gets back to speed soon!
Good luck to everyone !![]()
No worries. I think they only posted about it in the November thread, so that's probably why it was overlooked.sparkle said:Ooopss ! I may have missed that ! Thank you![]()
Hopefully that wont cause a lot of delays! We were worried about that when he was on a USAF tour for one year in South Korea, but since he lived on the base were hoping they dont need one from South Korea.Love-Buf-Wings said:Hi guys,
I've got good and bad news to share. The good news is that the visa office in Buffalo looked at our application forwarded in March (not sure if they would have given us AOR if they had not found an issue), so perhaps they are making some progress. The bad news is that my husband worked for the US government while in the Peace Corps. program and he lived in Swaziland (South Africa) for three years. He did not think he would be asked for a clearance from Swaziland since he worked for the US government and he thought that the FBI clearance would be sufficient. Unfortunately, they want a police background check from Swaziland which will take time, within 60 days or else we will be forced to reapply. Luckily, my husband has contacts in Swaziland that will help him with this. Not sure how long all of this will take. Any advice is appreciated.![]()
Hi Tiggilicious,Tiggilicious said:Hopefully that wont cause a lot of delays! We were worried about that when he was on a USAF tour for one year in South Korea, but since he lived on the base were hoping they dont need one from South Korea.
Did they contact you by mail, or email?
They received our application in Buffalo March 10th, and have been thinking that its going to be a few more weeks before they even look at the file so it gave me a little hope!![]()