DKA's initial assessment was 4 days earlier than yours and mine (2/22). So maybe another few days and we'll get PPR too!
When was your initial assessment?
Guess I'm just trying to analyze to see when I might get mine. But, as we all know from this forum, most of the time it seems like it doesn't follow logical conclusions. I see some people on the Buffalo thread that say they got the initial assessment and then heard nothing for several months after that! So that has me worried too. But it seems that Pharoh, DKA and I have been on about the same timeline so I'm hoping Pharoh and I will follow in DKA's footsteps this week!
Also, I wonder how it differs depending on who is processing your application. It's possible that DKA, Pharoh and I have different people processing our applications and that could change the timelines in relation to the others. Could be as simple as someone going on vacation that would delay an application (not for months, but maybe weeks). This could explain why juliet hasn't received PPR yet. Maybe the person processing the application is out of the office for some reason and that is what the delay is. I really don't understand why some people's seem to take so long and others don't (from the same visa office and assuming the applications are all ok).
I'm glad I paid my RPFP in mid-February. Wish I had paid it earlier, but I was waiting to get the stickers from Buffalo before I paid it. Hopefully it's processed already. 3 weeks seems enough.