Hello rainy_june,
I am from Romania, and living here for the moment untill I get my visa and then I am going to move with my husbund in Quebec.
As for the process, yes, the medicals will be asking next but CIC taking care of, I did my medicals in Paris so Buchurest office has to ask for it.
Also I suggest to not count on e-cas it's possible to not be an update very soon, it's not very reliable I've heard on this forum. Some offices updateing e-cas but not all of them; passport request it could come also by email or mail to your home adress or maybe to your sponsor adress if is your representative. After you are subbmiting your passport could last for another 2 weeks or two months until it gets back to you, depends...of...I really don't know.
Totaly mistery again...
In my case for Bucharest office I have to wait 6 months from the time my file reaches Bucharest. We applyed last July, 21, and we got the approval letter on 8 November, then our file was send to Bucharest after CIC records, but it wasn't true, our file it was send to Ottawa first just to be created a new file (dosen't make sense to me) and we found out later through my husbund's MP (CIC call center couldn't give us to much information, they don't know for sure what's going on with our files I guess) that our file got in the sistem in Bucharest in January but don't know the precise date.
Now as you can see I should start counting 6 months from 8 November for my file to be processed in Bucharest?! Or I should count from January when the file got into the sistem in Bucharest?! I really don't know how this sistem works....it's very misterious that is for sure.
I am very often anxious to get some news, I should get some by the end of the month or next month at least.
Who knows, all I know is this process was for me the hardst thing I had to get through in my entire life, becouse I have to live so far away from my husbund and that is never easy.
I wish you all the best and may God fill you up with tones of patience...