Hi Everyone, its MandyUK, had to make anew login as I couldnt remember my original one and then coildnt get into my email lol. So wanted to update you on where I was, Im now in Canada, we landed at 5:15pm 24th, and as expected I was taken to speak with another immigration officer because of the overstay I had 10 years ago. While wating in line to see someone, I was pooping myself that I would get this really stern looking woman in the corner, and guess what! I did. But! she could not have been nicer, I went up to her and said that I had a PR application in process and wanted to come visit my husband for a while. She scanned my passport and asked if I had been deproted, my heart fell into my trainers, I thought that it had been made into a deportation without me knowing.
But I just said no it was a departure order and she asked my, and she said, dont worry, we all make mistakes. Then she said she could give me 6 months. Boy was I relieved. But what happened next nearly knocked my socks off.
She said to me, "you do know you can have longer yeah"?

I said, Oh you mean extend it after the 6 months? she said, well yes you can do that, but I can give you 12 months now if you want. I now believe there is a Immigration god. I wanted to kiss her feet, I just looked at her and said, oh er...yes ty that would be great!
The relief as I walked out that door, was huge, it was the one thing I had been dreading, I couldnt get out that airport fast enough incase she came running after me to say a mistake had been made. So yay, Im here with my hubby, happy and excited and looking forward to a future. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Speak to you soon guys, Im off to get some sleep.
Mandy x :-*