Name City App Sent App Received Sponsorship Approved Start processing Aor Passport Request Visa Approved
Britincanada London 27/05/10 1/06/10 29/06/10 15/07/10 30/07/10
CeeGee Buffalo 2/06/10 3/06/10 5/07/10
Loverly London 3/06/10 7/06/10 7/07/10 20/07/10
z4s 3/06/10 7/06/10 7/07/10
Charlene.09 4/06/10 7/06/10 7/07/10 29/07/20
kkim604 Seoul 7/06/10 7/07/10 20/07/10
Mon AMI Accra 4/06/10 7/06/10 Waiting!
Srini_72 New Delhi 7/06/10 9/06/10 13/07/10 04/08/10 13/08/10 13/08/10
Gladiateur19 Rabat 12/06/10 18/06/10 Waiting
Poetic Vegreville 14/06/10 22/06/10 Waiting...
Abcone Buffalo 14/06/10 15/06/10 App returned
Abcone re-submit New Delhi 03/08/10 04/08/10 09/08/10
victorialad Singapor 14/06/10 18/06/10 21/07/10 04/08/10
Jessibee Buffalo 15/06/10 16/06/10 21/07/10
Titina Nairobi 15/06/10 16/06/10
mmuzaffar 20/06/10
Fredrickpedro London 21/07/10 04/08/10
Sophie100 Vegreville 21/06/10 23/06/10 Waiting...
canadaireland London 22/06/10 22/07/10
Maya_2010 Petoria 20/06/10 22/06/10 21/07/10
Raucy Sydney 22/06/10 29/07/10
Honeybird Trinidad 21/06/10 23/06/10 23/07/10
Lynw Sydney 23/06/10 28/07/10 29/07/10
Chinthu New Deli 23/06/10 30/06/10 3/08/10
Watercast Buffalo 24/06/10 29/07/10
Michaelab Buffalo 24/06/10 27/07/10
Boman744 Lima 28/06/10 30/06/10 3/08/10
galmxcan Mexico 29/06/10 30/06/10 30/07/10 10/08/10
Maru Beijing 26/06/10 28/07/10 03/08/10 6/08/10
midnightmav Sydney 30/06/10 04/08/10
Perfect Petoria
Updated for Boman744... LOL...Sorry had a bit of a funny day hehe..It is nice to see every ones progress..some real statistics