Singh1212 said:
Hello guys,,
CHC new delhi request my passport on 24 Jan,2012.I sent my passport to chc on dated Feb 1,2012.Stil i did not get any answer from CHC.Its near about two month going.What should i do .??
I wanna ask to some guys who has have experince regarding this,it is better to ask through MP,or just stay calm and wait more??? ???
reply soon
Hey Singho!
why should we "reply soon"?!
How is it two months for you?
as per your post you sent PP on Feb 1st. it is only 48 days now????
Be patient man..!!!
there are people who are waiting for more than a year..
recently some people got visa as less as 4 months (including me)
hear from me..
Eventhough the CHC-ND's are not the best but they work.
You should be patient till the end of 6 months to contact your MP or any such..
Other than that you will just be banging your head in the nearest available wall ("dry wall" if you are in Canada)
thinking about "what,when, how etc etc.."
you have to wait and let the process do its job..
yes, sometimes CHC-ND has screwed things up
but we cannot do anything to undo the screw ups
the only thing what you can do is to send them as much as correct information that is supportive to your case,
other than that if your spouse has travel history, any other deviations (like overstay etc) it will be a long journey one
Criminality doesnt even come in the picture now..
Anwer to your question: PPR request eventhough a significant progress in the process doesnt mean anything.
depending on the season it will take somewhere 30 to 45 days to "Inprocess" and some times 60 days.
So you should be hearing from them
You have to wait!
thats it..