Hey everyone! I have a situation here. Back in September I got an email from. AVO asking to send in documents proving the genuinity of our marriage. Which we did. Today I received another email asking to attend an interview on the 15th of November at AVO. But I live I Canada with my wife and son. And the interesting part is in couple of days my wife is going to have a surgery and for about 6weeks she can't do anything so I will be taking care of her and our son. Plus we are In the middle of moving to a different apartment. So much expenses right now. Like I'm just confused and don't know what to do at all. I have a work permit that is expired and of course I submitted my application to renew it as usual and been waiting for it. So right now I I have what they call an Implied status which still allows me to work until a decision is made. I would really want to change the interview location to Ottawa if possible so that it will be cheaper and quicker so that I get home after a day trip to be with my family and take care of them. Pls advise me.