Another suggestion, please tell your husband to talk to his family doctor to recommend an Oby-Gyn before your arrival explaining why the delay. So that when you come, the next day, you can have an appointment set cox they will run series of tests for you before baby arrival. Not saying they completely won't, but they usually don't take seriously whatever doctors info we bring with us from Africa (speaking from experience but urs may be different). Otherwise you don't wanna go through the rigours of giving birth in emergency room if you don't have a doctor assigned to you... AVO is crazy, are they not aware that before one can get health card which is compulsory for any doctor visits, u need to be in Canada for minimum of 30sth days. Look at all these struggle.... Anyways u will find favour
@iyawoSparks all the best dear, take it easy so you don't seem overwhelmed with a lot but above all , start packing yaaaaayyy