sazzadkw said:
Dear Jimmy Page,,
can you pls. tell from where we can get more info for this section 15(1), 16(1)(c) and 19(1) you mentioned.
can you pls share the link here.
15 and 19 are not scarry may be 16 is
"15. (1) An officer is authorized to proceed with an examination if a person makes an application to the officer in accordance with this Act or if an application is made under subsection 11(1.01).
Marginal note

rovincial criteria
(2) In the case of a foreign national referred to in subsection 9(1), an examination of whether the foreign national complies with the applicable selection criteria shall be conducted solely on the basis of documents delivered by the province indicating that the competent authority of the province is of the opinion that the foreign national complies with the province’s selection criteria.
Marginal note:Inspection
(3) An officer may board and inspect any means of transportation bringing persons to Canada, examine any person carried by that means of transportation and any record or document respecting that person, seize and remove the record or document to obtain copies or extracts and hold the means of transportation until the inspection and examination are completed.
Marginal note:Instructions
(4) The officer shall conduct the examination in accordance with any instructions that the Minister may give.
2001, c. 27, s. 15;
2012, c. 31, s. 310.
16. (1) A person who makes an application must answer truthfully all questions put to them for the purpose of the examination and must produce a visa and all relevant evidence and documents that the officer reasonably requires.
Marginal note:Obligation — relevant evidence
(2) In the case of a foreign national,
o (a) the relevant evidence referred to in subsection (1) includes photographic and fingerprint evidence; and
o (b) subject to the regulations, the foreign national must submit to a medical examination.
Marginal note:Evidence relating to identity
(3) An officer may require or obtain from a permanent resident or a foreign national who is arrested, detained or subject to a removal order, any evidence — photographic, fingerprint or otherwise — that may be used to establish their identity or compliance with this Act.
2001, c. 27, s. 16;
19. (1) Every Canadian citizen within the meaning of the Citizenship Act and every person registered as an Indian under the Indian Act has the right to enter and remain in Canada in accordance with this Act, and an officer shall allow the person to enter Canada if satisfied following an examination on their entry that the person is a citizen or registered Indian.
Marginal note:Right of entry of permanent residents
(2) An officer shall allow a permanent resident to enter Canada if satisfied following an examination on their entry that they have that status."