Bro, U re entitled to your opinion....allow me to share my 2 cents:
You said 1.It appears that MI1 candidates are worked upon with respect to NOCs (likely in demand now such as 3112 etc.)
Don't agree...Its absolutely clear visa office is working in order of submission of full docs, and not NOC....I know lots of people with the most common noc 0213, 0111, 1111 sitting in canada (all these noc were thrown out of MI-2). I know someone with noc of electrician which was in ALL MI-1,2,3 with a wait letter.... Simply becoz the noc 0213,1111 guys applied in 2009...and the electrician guy (he s actually an electrical engineer) applied in May 2010 .
You said: 3. While checking the educational/experience docs, the docs appeared to be straight forward or pertains to top-1,000 MNCs such as the candidate works/ed for Microsoft or Citibank or Pepsi etc, so his/her turn comes quickly as actual checking is not needed and VO ascertain facts just by looking at the docs
Don't agree with it. 3 people I know, with wait letters, one is from coca cola, one is Nestle and one is from Metro.......where as 5 people I know who already have gotten their visas, are all from small offices (like usman enterprises accountant 1111 , and some small local schools IT guys 0213, etc) have gotten visas, AGAIN simply becoz they applied before the people who r in MNCs.
The reason Arsh and Zeeshan Anees r next in line is coz visa office has gone down to Aug 2010 full docs....and they r first week of SEP other reason...not becoz of their noc 0213, not becoz they r from multinationals....simple becoz they r next in cue TIMEWISE....
Another factor is luck !!! Star ali haider noc 4131 very common noc, thrown out of MI-2, is sitting in canada, even though he sent full docs in MaY 2010...and absolutely simple guys who don't even know what's MI-1, 2 3, getting visas where as forum experts like Saki getting rejected....simply put: jis kay naseeb mein jana likha hai, wo chala jaye ga....
I could go on and on , but as I said, useless arguing about all this....

so let's agree to disagree here
point is, ALL of us will give our own logic, but our purpose is the same...we ALL want to let's pray Allah makes it happen soon..doesn't matter whose logic is right, U can have the right logic and have the 'water cooler' prize, if u want .....let's just pray we all go....whoever is right or wrong is irrelevant now...

so no offense and all cool