Firstly: all shipments are not showing names...
30021898411 to 30021898524 names are mentioned....but 30021898525 onwards till 30021898546, names not mentioned. These missing ones r all headed from KHI to lahore...guess they will start showing soon...
Secondly: they do contain international shipments for sure...I think all international shipment comes to TCS head office in KHI, and then dispacthed to different cities....
U can check Shadab s tracking number, 30021898393, , who received medical in SEP, 2012...and that too was received in KHI and then dispatched to Lahore. Canada is no where mentioned in the details:
Shipment Detail :
Agent Reference Number : NA
Origin : KARACHI
Destination : LAHORE
Booking Date : 13-SEP-12
Consignee : SHADAB TARIQ
I guess the reason could be that TCS, (unlike DHL who deliver themselves directly in america/canada), uses a another courier service for international shipments. I know this coz last year I sent a packet to my sister in USA through TCS, and she received it via fedex. So I'm guessing fedex (or some other service) delivers from canada to TCS KHI, and then its delivered within pakistan....just my guess.
Kher. Main thing is : Our "List Keeper/TCS FBI agent", Arsh Ali' s info seems to be correct

this tcs thing has something that we need to check (just to be double sure that our packet is not lying with tcs uselessly).