Considering your age, we ALL know it has to be from the age of 18 (when u become an adult).
But for the sake of understanding, EVEN if we want to analyze this statement:
"Provide the details of your personal history since the age of 18 or the last 10 years, whichever comes first."
STILL, we find out that they r not wrong. I explained this once long time back, here it goes again (for your tasalli) :
If some one was born in 1970, and current year is 2013:
A) his 18th birthday will be 1988
B) his last ten years will be 2003
So, in the timeline of history, which comes first ?? 1988 or 2003 ??....ofcourse 1988 came before 2003

so he has to give history from 1988 (his 18th birthday).
Wat YOU are doing is counting BOTH dates in REVERSE order from 2013 that's y u feel 2003 comes before 1988 (in reverse order from 2013).
On the other hand, THEY want it chronologically in the order of what happened in the timeline of human history

hope I have explained it correctly.

P.S: Man, I should be a teacher. (Alas, I is only THE MATRIX pass, but its not worry, as I little little speak of anglish and is learn from mistak very qwick. Thanks you, your truely, boota from chuk # 201)