Bro, I hope that u will not take any offense, and will take this difference of opinion in the spirit of what it is and NOT an offense. As I know your intentions r good. And u mean well.
All the senior members I know personally (cock n bull, gillani, arsh, zeeshan, 2 calgary and other I don't wanna name DO NOT agree with your court case suggestion).....I ll tell u why....there s a slight difference here :
we all know that u have not applied for immigration, and u just come here to voice your opinions about the faulty system (we all agree its faulty n unfair)...but giving suggestions to people to go to court n spend money n time at this stage ESP when results r coming in form of UDR/MR/Visas at this stage , that hurts your creditibility as an expert..(Which I don't like, coz I think u re a smart man with loots of logic in u)..
Kher...u have a right to say wat u think n act HOWEVER way u think is right for YOUR, when u apply in upcoming MI yourself, and IF they delay your case, u should go to court

....but for now, your stakes r NOT the same as waiters, U have not waited for almost 3 years....and u re not on the verge of getting your case finalized in a you don't care about the results of a court action, since its not YOUR case, so u can give ANY suggestion.
Having said that, I know u mean well, and want the best outcome for waiters...I wish u all the best when u apply for yourself.
For waiters: my suggestion...just WAIT need to go to court....
Rest people can decide on their own.