I agree with u, that one should not over do csi. However allow me to share my personal experience.
I applied first time in 2009 Jan, ...I never got 1st AOR, (must have gotten into spam mail)...so after 3 months of applying, I started writing to them via courier+email that I think I ve lost me email, so kindly send me the email again....I sent them atleast 8 letters in 1 year, no response. UNTIL one day, 2010 Jan, I got a letter that my case has been closed coz I did not send them documents within 120 days,since they had sent me 1st AOR email in march 2009.... I explained n sent them the entire 1 year correspondence, but they did not re-open my case.
So I applied again in 2010 May with my current application. Then, again in March 2012, I found out through csi that "some letter" was sent to me which I never got, so I asked them to send it again. And they sent it again after 3 months and 5 emails....thank god it was "wait letter" and not updated docs request. (Arsh knows the entire story)
Then the real horror thing happened with my friend 's collague from MI-1 last year...he applied in 2009 , and was sent medical in 2011, and never got it...then in 2012, he got a letter that his case has been closed coz he did not reply to the medical....he wrote to them n begged them that he never got the medical, but they did not reopen his case....I know in most cases they do re open, but its their DISCRETION whether they open or not.
As far as the WORST thing they can do on repeated csi is : "they ll copy/paste"...they will never reject your application...I know an MI-2 applicant , who s in canada now, he used to send CSI every month for 16 months till he got visa (he knew about my case).....I know that's too much n not saying one should do that

but its not like he had any negative effect on his case.
SO, I agree with your point. Don't over do csi unnecessarily, but DO feel/gauge the trend...and whenever u feel it in your gut that u should do csi, DO it.... or whenever u feel that this action (like sending them updated docs) should be informed via csi , don't hesitate, DO it. Nothing really harmful will happen as a result of csi, however it just MIGHT save u from a BIG problem. Better safe than to be sorry (just my personal opinion/experience). Rest is your OWN decision, as its YOUR case and only YOU know what's best for it.
P.s: By YOU , I don't mean you, mian g

I'm talkin generally
