You need to stop thinking that because your timeline is similar to another user, the logic is that your PPR is next

Each case is drastically
DIFFERENT from one another, even with similar timelines.
CIC does
NOT process cases logically nor based on the order received, nor prioritizes one category over another (
the database is sheet is evidence of that).
Cases with similar timelines, have different backgrounds to be cautiously scrutinized and processed by CIC - and that same process may take longer for one, and be shorter for another (because of so many different factors such as suspicious information, country of origin, work history, travel history, and so many other security checks they must do)
The wait is extra long for everybody, including people having timelines older than yours... but we are ALL in the same boat

So HANG IN THERE buddy, and quit checking CIC updates every single day since you WILL be notified - it will make you relax and not stress out that much