I feel for you sis.
I understand every point of all their rantings and they have all their right to fairness and equality.But these kind of news....urgh are really unacceptable!
PAFSO keeps on asking for fairness to the Canadian government. But they themselves are unfair to the hundreds of people who are depending on them for a chance to be with our loved ones and also to have a better opportunity in Canada by faster processing of papers for visa application. ??? ???
I hope they realize that's it's not easy to be apart from our spouses and family. They don't have any idea how it feels to be this depressed by dealing with this kind of situation. It's really hard, I hope they know that.
Can't they have a compromise agreement? This has been going on for a long time and has affected a lot of people. This strike has caused a lot of troubles because of the delays.
I just hope it gets resolved soon. It's also unfair to us...so unfair.