Pinnaak said:
Hey Congratulations....Ur efforts Paid Off Thats what is Important!!!!! So we would be doing same course in May 2012 from Humber....Great....Ur from? ....I am from India/Mumbai...Hey Lets add each other on facebook...My id is "Pinnaak Kharker"....When u planning to go to Canada...U going to stay Oncampus or Offcampus.....Hey would be great If we could chat on facebook.......You know what u r 1st person I know doing this course with me for May 2012 Intake for Proj Mgmt.....Would b great meeting u in Humber...Yippiee!!!
Hey thanks..m from baroda , gujarat.
stil nt desided the date.. but m planning to go approx march 15 and ya,, its gr8 meeting to u..
i will be stay off campus.. thats really feels nice .. and i ll send u friend request on fb..