@legalfalcon i have a question related to part-time work experience and being an student. Ircc does clarify that student work experience is acceptable for FSW but not other categories (CEC...). But in this link
https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=393&top=29 it seems that IRCC make an exception for this rule, and it is that the part time work experience cannot be accepted while studying. Wich is weird because ircc explicitly said work experience while studying OUTSIDE canada is ok. But it seems if the student work experience is
part time means that it does not count toward the requirement. Again, its because of what stated here
Now my situation : in september i refused an invitation because of this rule that i did not know about. I had in my express entry profile indicated 1.5 years PART TIME while studying outside canada. The truth was that i was actually working fulltime but i had put 15 hours to seem legit in front of IRCC because i was studying....and it was finaly very stupid of me because at time of finalising my application the system made me ineligible and awarded me 0 points unless i changed the 15 hours to 30 hours ! After i refused invitation, i changed my main experience to 30 hours (wish is the real situation) and accepted a november ita after changing my work experience from 15 hours to 30 hours wich awarded 3 years of foreign work experience instead of 1.5. I was self employed and provided in my application everything needed (third party documentation mainly) to proove my NOC duty. The problem is that IRCC will probably not like me changing work hours in profile (i indicated 15 hours in the beginning then refused invitation, then changed same experience to 30 hours). I explained this mistake in LOE, saying that as self employed i had obvisouly an problem assessing my work hours, wich is kinda true because i really never did the count of hours since i was an company owner).
Do you think i have to worry about refusal because i indicated 15 hours in september ITA but 30 hours in november ita for the same genuine self-employed experience ?
I'am Jan 02 AOR and this incident drive me crazy because i am afraid they consider only my first stupid indication of 15 hours/week and ruled it out because it was while studying. (So weird that they accept fulltime while studying and not part time while studying....)
Sorry if its confusing, english is not my first language and i kinda suck at it