"For the applicant’s current country of residence, the PC must have been issued no more than six months before submission of the e-APR.
For countries in which the applicant no longer resides, the PC must have been issued later than the departure date of the last time the client resided in that country for more than six months."
2. Pay stubs are not mandatory.
"The following documents are mandatory for each work experience declared:
a reference or experience letter from the employer, which
should be an official document printed on company letterhead (must include the applicant’s name, the company’s contact information [address, telephone number and email address], and the name, title and signature of the immediate supervisor or personnel officer at the company),
should indicate all positions held while employed at the company and must include the following details: job title, duties and responsibilities, job status (if current job), dates worked for the company, number of work hours per week and annual salary plus benefits;"
Useful link http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/tools/perm/express/intake-complete.asp