Yes, you are resident for tax purposes if are in Canada for more than 183 days. Although if you entered Canada, opened the bank & TFSA accounts, and left before living for 183 days you will be non-resident for tax purposes. If this is your scenario, keep in mind non-resident can't contribute to TFSA account and there will 1% penalty on such contributions.Hello –
I'm a non-resident for 2019, been in Canada for 10 days after soft-landing. However, I opened a bank account, have a credit card and opened a TFSA with TD.
The website under residential ties lists "economic ties in Canada, such as Canadian bank accounts or credit cards" under "Secondary residential ties"
Does this mean I'm considered a resident?
I'm an expert in Canadian & US taxation working with a well know Canadian CPA firm. If you need any tax advice, please contact me at