Need some help and advice guys. We want our parents to visit us from Pakistan (they don't want to settle here), not sure about the process and experience of super visa would appreciate help:
1. how long is the process usually? average times in recent past... we don't want to wait for long periods. usually 2 to 3 months
2.With no children in Pakistan...and retired, how to show strong ties apart from House / investments / Deposits apart from that, you can show parents pension plan/their benefits/medical benefits if any
3. What are the possibility and prospects if they apply for supervisa from US? dont exactly know
4. What additional documents are required compared with normal visitor visa.medical insurance, employment letter or copy of T4 or NoA, most recent salary slip (if possible), proof of relationship, etc.
5. Although they visited Canada few years back for a month... got refused recently for not satisfying return to home country ....'family ties in canada and home country' and 'employment situation' In the "Invitation letter" and "Purpose of Travel" stress on why they wont be or cannot be staying for long in Canada
Would really appreciate your help and advice.
Good Luck