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Study permit

Jan 21, 2019
I completed my graduation in mathematics with no history of backlogs(cgpa-7.38) and doing my masters as well (but with 2arrears and 6 absence due to sports till 3rd sem- 6.0 cgpa). With no work experience.
I would like to do data science/ analytics/big data or something related.
Whom should I consult ? When I spoke with idp they suggested i can't do this course not masters . They also said Visa would be rejected, is it true? should I do. Whom should I approach
Jan 21, 2019
Research which colleges/universities offer courses you are interested in and apply for admission. Once admitted, apply for study permit.
Thank you.. I've standing arrear in 3rd semester for which I could spread only in March/April where the results would come after that in May. Will they accept my application due to the arrear or not? I'm looking for Douglas college Canada. They ask us to apply only through consultancies. Even after having standing arrear if I could apply and get loa I would process or else I might have to do something else. Please help me with it