Hi Experts,
My name is Sachin and I came to Canada as a international student in 2013. i was on my restoration period ended 13th July so I took admission in some college and applied for new study permit before my restoration gets expired. Now, today as of 6th sep I received refusal on my application saying following things on it.........
Based on your application and accompanying documentation that you have provided, I have carefully considered all information and I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations. Your application as requested is therefore refused.
[X] A visitor, worker or student who loses temporary resident status for failure to comply with the following conditions imposed under:
My name is Sachin and I came to Canada as a international student in 2013. i was on my restoration period ended 13th July so I took admission in some college and applied for new study permit before my restoration gets expired. Now, today as of 6th sep I received refusal on my application saying following things on it.........
Based on your application and accompanying documentation that you have provided, I have carefully considered all information and I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations. Your application as requested is therefore refused.
[X] A visitor, worker or student who loses temporary resident status for failure to comply with the following conditions imposed under:
- paragraph 185(a),
- any of subparagraphs 185(b)(i) to (iii), or
- paragraph 185(c)
may be eligible for restoration of temporary resident status if an application is submitted within 90 days after loss of status and if following examination it is established that the applicant meets the initial requirements for their stay and has complied with any other conditions imposed. In your case, you have not satisfied this officer you will leave Canada at the end of your stay based on your personal assets and financial status; therefore you are not eligible to have your temporary resident status restored.
Since you no longer hold temporary resident status in Canada your application for a STUDY PERMIT is also refused.
[X] Foreign students wishing to extend their study permit in Canada must satisfy an officer that they:
- have complied with all conditions imposed on their entry;
- will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for their stay;
- have adequate financial resources to pay tuition fees and support their stay in Canada; and
- do not belong in a category of persons inadmissible to Canada under the Act.
Based on careful review of the information contained in your application and all of the documentation you have provided in support of your application, I have concluded that you do not meet the requirements of the Act and Regulations.
[X] You are a person in Canada without legal status and as such are required to leave Canada immediately. If you do not leave Canada voluntarily, enforcement action may be taken against you.
my question is is there any other thing I missed in my application apart from funds? And
What are my options now?
Do I need to get more funds from my parents and re-apply for study permit again? Or cic will not allow me to that?
Is I have to leave Canada immediately is it my last option? Which I am so worried about it that how I am going face this in short period of time?
- have complied with all conditions imposed on their entry;